It’s never been more challenging for parents to raise happy, healthy and resilient children. SchoolTV is a world first, wellbeing platform that addresses the modern day realities faced by parents around raising safe, happy and resilient young people. SchoolTV features Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and is now available at our school. To view the latest edition, click here.
SMOTA Wellbeing
There may be times when you and your family have an issue that is impacting on your schooling which needs sensitive and confidential attention. It might be a health, family or personal problem. Either way, at St Mary of the Angels we have a Wellbeing Support Team who can provide professional support to you. This can be an alternative to the Homeroom teacher, Learning Advisor or Year Level Team Leader (who would generally be the people you first approach about school concerns).
Exploring the issue with one of us might help you to find the right solution to your situation. We can confidentially chat in our purpose built Wellbeing space which is located on campus within the FMDM Student Services Centre. We can support families in a variety of ways, which may include making a referral to other community services that specialise in the particular area of concern. Please remember, we welcome you and your family to our school. We care about you and there is always someone here at St Mary of the Angels to provide you with wellbeing support.
St Mary of the Angels’ approachable Wellbeing Team includes:
• Chris Dainton (Deputy Principal – Wellbeing & Development)
• Liz Withall (Wellbeing Support Team Leader)
• Illana Ballerini (Wellbeing Support Officer)
• Katie Mills (Wellbeing Support Officer)
• John Nihill (Wellbeing Support Mentor)
Handy links
Catholic Education Office, Sandhurst
Phone: 13 22 89 - A statewide phone counselling service, 8:00am to midnight 7 days.
Kids Helpline
Phone: 1800 55 1800 - for ages 5-18 years
Phone: 13 11 14 - Support for people in crisis
Phone: 1300 22 4636
Phone: 1800 650 890
Reach Out
School TV